Lattery Physics and Engineering Education Research Group

@ University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
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Deep Learning summary

Deep Learning in Introductory Physics: Exploratory Studies of Model-Based Reasoning (Fall 2016)

Professor Lattery's new book, Deep Learning in Introductory Physics: Exploratory Studies of Model-Based Reasoning (Information Age Publishing), takes a close look at how students learn physics in a model-centered classroom. This book is the first publication in several years to thoroughly address the “coherence versus fragmentation” debate in science education and the first to advance and explore the hypothesis that deep science learning is regressive and revolutionary. Deep Learning also contributes to a growing literature on the use of history and philosophy of science to confront difficult theoretical and practical issues in science teaching.

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Professor Lattery publishes new book on the use of scientific models and modeling in the physics classroom Professor Lattery publishes new book on the use of scientific models and modeling in the physics classroom

Professor Lattery has recently published a new book entitled, "Deep Learning in Introductory Physics: Exploratory Studies of Model-Based Reasoning" (Information Age Publishing, 2016). For more information, please visit ("Look inside").

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