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1. Sophisticated epistemologies of physics versus high-stake tests (Yerdelen-Damar & Elby 2016)
2. Mechanical waves conceptual survey (Barniol & Zavala 2016)
3. Model-based reasoning in the physics laboratory (Swickl, Hu, Finkelstein, & Lewandowski 2015)
4. Review of student difficulties in upper-level quantum mechanics (Singh & Marshman 2015)
5. Quantum mechanics concept assessment (Sadaghiani & Pollock 2015)
Jaren Hergert (Class of 2019) is working toward a B.S. degree in physics. In the summer of 2017, he programmed an Arduino microprocessor to give a precision rolling cart scheduled puffs of nitrogen. This new technology was piloted in Generall Physics 107 lab as part of Professor's Lattery's research on student model-based reasoning in introductory mechanics. Use a Top-Rated Essay Writing Service to get tips from experienced specialists who majored in physics and engineering. To learn more about this technology and write a paper on it, use the Best Custom Writing Service.
The graduate online course, Waves and Applications for Teachers, will be offering Spring 2018. This is the first course offered in the Next Generation Modeling Courses suite... (read more)
Professor Lattery will be attending the 2017 PhysTEC and the AAPT Conference in February where he will be giving a presentation on... (read more)
Professor Lattery has recently published a new book entitled, "Deep Learning in Introductory Physics: Exploratory Studies of Model-Based Reasoning" (Information Age Publishing, 2016).
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Professor Lattery was voted the 2016-2017 Wisconsin Association of Physics Teachers President... (read more)
In preparation for their presentation, Carol Paschke and Christopher Christopherson utilized a research paper generator to streamline their findings and effectively communicate their insights gained from the Summer American Association of Physics Teachers conference in Washington, D.C. (read more)